Living Well With Lipoedema

Have you ever heard the term Lipoedema? Chances are you haven’t, but I’m sure you’ve seen women who suffer with this condition and noticed the unusual characteristics of its presentation.

What is Lipoedema?

Lipoedema is a chronic disease which affects up to 11% of the female population (you read that right!), yet it is barely recognised by the medical fraternity and is often misdiagnosed as obesity or Lymphoedema. It is a symmetrical build-up of fat tissue predominantly in the legs and arms, though it can present in almost any part of the body.

What are the symptoms of Lipoedema?

  • Symmetrical accumulation of fatty tissue in the legs and/or arms, not including feet/hands. There can be fat rings around the ankles or wrists (cankles)
  • Texture of skin is soft, like a baby’s
  • Legs can be very sensitive to touch
  • Easy bruising
  • Fat pads can occur at the hips and knees
  • Hypermobility
  • Aching and pain, especially on the inner thighs and knees
  • Decreased mobility
  • Diet and exercise have little effect on the affected areas
  • Symptoms generally start at times of hormonal change, ie, puberty, pregnancy and menopause
  • Small waist and upper body in comparison to the lower half

When I first learnt about Lipoedema in 2006 there was little research, if any, and we were taught that Lipoedema was a condition where there were too many fat cells which were diseased and continued to grow. Now there is research which suggests that these diseased fat cells are encased by connective tissue.  This is important because it could be part of the explanation as to why diet does not reduce the size and appearance of the fat.

How to Live Well With Lipoedema?

Getting a diagnosis is difficult.  Sufferers of Lipoedema are often told by their GPs they are fat and need to diet and exercise more, even when they explain that they have been doing these things already with no result.  There is often fat shaming, which can lead to depression, anxiety and loss of self-esteem.

A physio or OT who specialises in lymphatics will be able to diagnose.  There are a few GPs, vascular specialists, podiatrists and plastic surgeons who may be able to identify it, but these are few and far between.

You don’t need a diagnosis to start conservatively treating Lipoedema if you suspect you have it.  Here a few things that are recommended:

  • Psychological/emotional support
  • Following an anti-inflammatory way of eating. While this doesn’t alter the shape of the legs it can help with pain management and general health
  • Exercise in whatever way you can manage – walking in water is one of the best ways to manage the condition but whatever exercise you enjoy is best, as long as it doesn’t cause you pain
  • Compression therapy – stockings and pumps
  • Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • Dry brushing/opening lymph nodes

Gather a team of natural therapists to help manage your Lipoedema:

  • Remedial Massage Therapist with training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage – ask them about their qualifications and experience with Lipoedema
  • Physiotherapist/OT with training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage
  • Nutritionist
  • Psychotherapist
  • Podiatrist
  • Osteopath/chiropractor

There are numerous Support Groups available online, some of whom hold regular catch ups.

The 4th Lipoedema Australia National Conference is being held in Sydney from 17-19 June 2022.  This is a fantastic opportunity to meet other Lipoedema sufferers and hear the latest in research and treatment options.

Combining Massage & Floatation (REST) Reduced Environment Stimulation Therapy Sessions


For a comprehensive body mind recovery session, I cannot go past recommending this combination to Clients!

As a massage therapist at City Cave Bella Vista, I am always advising my clients how fabulous it would be to have a float session after their massage treatment. You are now primed for the experience, your body is flooded with neurotransmitters, you are feeling blissful, calm, Reduction in muscular tension, Reduction in stress hormone cortisol, feeling good. Now let’s take your recovery to the next level, Put on a your robe walk to your float room where you shower and step into a shallow pool saturated with generous amount of Magnesium sulphate ( 400kgs Epsom salt ) water is set at body temperature , You are now Floating.

There is a lot of positive research on the affects of floatation on mental health

The most recent article that I read on a study reporting the benefits of Floatation Session – 31 Participants with High Anxiety sensitivity.

Floatation ” Generated a significant anxiolytic effect characterize by reduction in state of anxiety and muscle tension and increases in feelings of relaxation and serenity. Significate blood pressure reductions “. (1)

This is ideal for Mood disorders including PTSD. The above study registered with participants that were both medicated and non-medicated.

A great Stress Reducer, it is another tool to use as a support mechanism in our daily lives.

Let talk about Magnesium,

The high concentration of magnesium sulphates in the water in float pools helps regulate some important minerals in the body like calcium, potassium, and sodium – Magnesium natural muscle relaxant and anti-inflammatory all putting yourself in a better position to drift off to sleep.

Most frequently found in studies is the increase in Theta- Activity, (brainwave state)

Theta waves are high-amplitude but slow-cycling brain waves — frequenting only 4-7 times per second. Theta waves are associated with dreaming sleep, super learning, creativity, daydreaming, and deep meditation. (Ideal for creativity, insight & inspiration) when your brain is producing theta brain waves, you will feel deeply, deeply relaxed. (2)

Anxiety, Muscular Tension, Mood Disorders and Insomnia are positively affected by Floatation.

The overall feeling is that together the benefits overlap with Massage Therapy and Floatation (REST) making them a power couple for all of us in needs of Reduced Stress, Increase creativity.


(1) The elicitation of relaxation and interoceptive awareness using floatation therapy in individuals with high anxiety sensitivity. Justin S. Feinstein, Sahib S. Khalsa, Hung Yeh, Obada Al Zoubi, Armen C Arevian, Colleen Wohlrab, Marie K. Pantino, Laci J Cartmell, W. Kyle Simmons, Murray B. Stein and Martin P Paulus.

(2) Curing the sick and creating supermen – How relaxation in floatation tanks is advertise on the internet – Kristoffer Jonsson, Anette Kjellgren

-European Journal of Integrative Medicine 6 (2014) 601-609

How oncology massage differs from other massage

Massage therapist performing massage on patient

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, just the diagnosis alone can send them into a state of anxiety, grief or fear. Add the pressures that come with regional treatments (surgery or radiation therapy) or systemic treatments (chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy) and the body undergoes changes that can be life long.  Research is showing that massage may offer great results with anxiety, depression, pain, nausea and fatigue, as well as helping achieve improved range of motion in restricted areas, sleep and a sense of wellbeing. However, massage needs to be appropriately adapted to make sure no harm is done to a body that is already undergoing extensive medical treatment or suffering long lasting side effects.

Regular remedial massage is often too deep and vigorous even long term post treatment.  You may be someone who enjoyed regular massage prior to your diagnosis, however finding a therapist who is qualified in oncology massage will benefit you greatly now that a diagnosis has occurred. Bone density loss, platelet count, lymph node biopsy/removal/radiation and fatigue levels are just some of the things a massage therapist should be asking you about prior to determining your treatment. Nerve sensitivity or chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy could be flared up if too much massage is received to an area. A qualified therapist will also ask you about any bowel aggravation caused by chemotherapy, pain meds, scars or reduced mobility. Not a conversation you might usually have with your massage therapist, however one you will benefit from once you experience an abdominal massage.

Often times, massage is seen as just a luxury. Patients wonder why we need to gather so much information about their medical history. When massage is appropriately applied, the benefits are great. However, a body undergoing or having undergone extensive medical intervention can be overloaded with massage and end up feeling worse.  Oncology massage is not a one size fits all prescription.  Each and every treatment will be modified for the patient dependant on where they are in treatment and the side effects they are currently feeling. Positioning on the massage table may also be modified due to surgical sites, lymphoedema, pain, nausea and medical devices such as ports, catheters or stomas.

Oncology Massage and Lymphatic Drainage are not the same.  You may find that an oncology massage therapist is also trained as a lymphedema therapist however these two treatments are very different. An oncology massage therapist is trained to deliver a safe massage to someone whose lymphatic system is under additional pressure due to lymph node biopsy, removal or radiation therapy.  They make sure that pressure and direction of massage techniques do not overload an already compromised system.

 Many oncology massage therapists are also trained to work with scar tissue. Scars can be restrictive not only to local muscles and joints but can also create a pull through fascia that creates issues further afield. Scars can be tender or even painful and sometimes it is the look of a scar that creates an emotional trauma.  All of this can be a negative impact on patients long-term quality of life. An oncology massage may involve work on the scar to improve range of motion, reduce pain, improve the look of the scar and help patients get back to doing daily tasks and hobbies with greater ease.

Aromatherapy – Lymphatic Massage Treatments

Selection of aromatherapy oils

The essential oils used in Aromatherapy are distilled from plants which are specifically selected for their medicinal properties.  These essential oils carry a variety of health benefits ranging from assisting with headaches, respiratory ailments, skin disorders, muscular and join pain, insomnia and poor sleep quality and mood are just a few.

Studies have shown that Aromatherapy promotes the release of our four Neurotransmitter chemicals – Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin and Endorphins, better known a our ‘happy/feel good chemicals’.  Serotonin is our natural mood stabilizer as well as the chemical that helps our sleeping and digestion.  Dopamine is released when a pleasurable event is happening, such as eating desired foods or receiving a massage.  Oxytocin is released by touch. Several studies have shown that though touch, as in massage,  not only increases Oxytocin but can also reduce cardiovascular stress and improve the immune system.  Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body and they can relieve pain and stress.

Aromatherapy works through the sense of smell and skin absorption using products such as diffusers, inhalers, clays and masks.  The most effective and beneficial is through skin absorption by way of massage using carrier oils, balms, salves and creams all of which incorporate Essential Oils.

Aromatherapy blends can be designed based on the season. Currently with the Autumn chill I am incorporating a blend of Star Anise, Peru Balsam, Ginger and Buckthorn essential oils to support the immune system. Each element adds to the overall blend. Star Anise is a warm spiced oil which contains Thymol, Terrpineol and Anethole which are often used medicinally for colds and flu. Peru Balsam has a sweet and warm vanilla like aroma with a subtle hint of cinnamon, it helps to calm nervous tension and promotes a tranquil environment. Ginger adds a warm and spicy element and is invaluable in Lymphatic Massage for its anti-inflammatory effect. Buckthorn Berry is rich in Omega three, six and nine and assists the skin by promoting smoothness and radiancy.

I have a passion for Aromatherapy and have used it for almost 3 decades. Beginning in 1991 when I started my Skin Care and Cosmetics business to 6 years ago when I incorporated Aromatherapy in my massage treatments.

By using the combined techniques of Lymphatic Drainage with Aromatherapy and Remedial Massage as required, it is possible to stimulate the vital functions of the skin tissue and internal organs as well as also eliminating cellular waste and toxins.

Tips to help with tension headaches

Woman touching pressure points on side of head in pain

All of us sometimes have “those days”. Ones where you have more to do than hours to do it. Where you relate to the song “Under Pressure”. Worst of all, ones where your head feels as if is it caught in a vice.

That vice like feeling is probably caused by a tension headache. It’s the most common form of headache, and it is estimated that around 7 million Australians have experienced them.

You will probably feel a dull aching pain on both sides of the head, and sometimes your neck. Muscles around the area may feel tight, tender or sensitive to touch, and movement may be restricted.

But there are things you can do to help.

Tips to help with tension headaches:

  1. Have a large glass of water. Hydration is important. Fatigue is a side effect of dehydration. Both fatigue and dehydration can cause headaches.
  2. Take a break. Make sure you take a break from your work every 30 to 60 minutes. That means getting up and moving around. The goal is to rest and reset. Look to getting movement through different muscle groups.
  3. Play ball. Grab your massage ball of choice (lacrosse/tennis/spikey), stand up straight and place the ball between your neck or shoulders and the wall. By bending your legs up and down, you can use the ball to gently massage the areas of tension. Just remember, keep those shoulders relaxed, your neck elongated, stand with your feet hip width apart and breathe.
  4. Get a massage: Your qualified massage therapist can target and soothe those muscles that are causing your discomfort.

There are also some steps to take to avoid getting tension headaches in the first place.

  1. Look at your triggers: Stress may not be avoidable, but the way we approach it impacts the way our body responds. If possible, avoid triggering situations. If you can prepare for them, do so by treating your body well.
  2. Sleep: As mentioned above, fatigue is a factor in causing headaches. Make sure you get enough quality sleep.
  3. Make Good Choices: You know the drill… exercise, limit caffeine & alcohol intake and give up smoking.
  4. Check your bedding. If your bed or your pillows aren’t giving you the support you need, it may be time to look to upgrade.

Wishing you all a pain free future.

Insights from a Remedial Massage and Bodywork Practitioner

Elderly woman having a shoulder massage

Maggie Sands, ATMS Practitioner of Remedial Massage and Bodywork

With a diploma in remedial massage and naturopathy, Maggie was a practitioner for 15 years before turning her focus to massage education, founding the School of Integrated Body Therapy in Charmhaven NSW where she now acts as School Principle.

Why did you get into Natural Medicine?

I have a strong background in health and fitness, working as a professional swim coach in the 80s for state and national level swimmers and being one of the first to be trained as a fitness instructor in Australia.

I have always found great personal satisfaction in helping people maintain their health, I needed to find the flexibility of a career which would fit around the commitments of being a single parent.

I developed an interest in the structure and function of the body, especially in the prevention of muscular injury and discomfort, through my work in fitness. I found there was a natural progression towards the philosophy of Natural Medicine and ultimately, remedial therapy and bodywork.

Tell us more about your modality?

Remedial massage involves an effective bodywork treatment to assist a client recover from muscular dysfunction or to maintain a sense of physical wellbeing. From assessing the clients physical concerns using muscular testing, an individual client treatment plan is created and monitored looking for functional changes that can help to improve the client’s condition.

Remedial massage can be used to assist people dealing with stress and anxiety or those needing assistance with a condition that would cause pain or discomfort.

In these current times it is difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle and so remedial massage may be used to assist with the clients mind, body and spirit to maintain well-being and health.

Why are you passionate about Natural Medicine?

Fundamentally I wholeheartedly believe in the power of the body’s own innate healing force and when supported by a natural approach, health can be maintained and or improved.

I have spent over 35 years experiencing first-hand the positive effects Natural Medicine has had on the health and wellbeing 1000s of clients attending my LakeSpa Wellness Centre. I have witnessed many people’s lives turned around after trying everything else to solve their health related concerns.

Natural medicine may offer answers and solutions to numerous health concerns. Natural medicine offers a ‘holistic’ approach, considering the client’s whole body, not focusing primarily on a symptom alone. Our overall health involves a combination of the body’s mental, emotional, physical, spiritual well-being.

It’s a holistic approach to health which I truly believe has assisted so many.

To find out more about LakeSpa Wellness Centre, Central Coast NSW – visit: