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Host an online event for Natural Medicine Week

Are you an accredited natural medicine practitioner or industry partner who wants to get involved in Natural Medicine Week by hosting an online event?

Or maybe you want to get involved another way by spreading the word across Australia? Then you’ve come to the right place! As part of Natural Medicine Week, accredited practitioners and advocates like yourselves are invited to engage our communities by hosting an online event.

Please register your interest to host an online event by simply completing the form below.

If accepted, your online event will be listed on the Natural Medicine Week website. Please note, this is a listing only and although we will promote your online event to the public across our social media, you will need to personally organise a booking link using a site like Humanitix, and a hosting platform like Zoom. Please add as much detail as possible using the below form.

Event applications close 31 March 2024.

Register your event

Your Information
Full Name*
Clinic or Business Name
Your Association (if applicable)
Membership Number
Event Information
My online event is for the following therapy type:
My online event topic is for:*
Can't see your Therapy type above? Enter if here
You can offer your event free of charge to maximise the number of registrations or we find charging a small amount can increase the chance of people attending. Maximum cost per event $15.
The type of online event I am hosting is:*
Event Name*
Start Time*
Finish Time
Presenters Short Bio*
Max. 350 characters. Please add in your website address if you would like us to use your bio from your website.
Event Description*
Max. 1,000 characters
Registration Link*
To be able to list an online event on the Natural Medicine Week website we require a booking link which you can host using a system like Humanitix or EventBrite. If you are hosting the booking via your website, please add this URL in here.
Terms and Conditions*
Terms & Conditions: By submitting your event application you grant the Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) permission to use your information as provided as part of our ongoing promotional material and on the website. We will never publicly share your email, or phone number, other than where specified and only if you have supplied it for online use. You also agree to allow ATMS and its communications partner, Zadro Pty Ltd to be provided with your details, to be able to contact you and edit your content as required.