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Angela Sciberras

A Resolve Beyond Neurology practitioner, Angela has expanded into an advanced new realm of Kinesiology.

“After nearly 20 years, and in excess of 10,000++ hours of Kinesiology and Neuro Training client sessions I have become an expert in the ability to gather, see and understand the pieces to the subconscious puzzle that is how people do their life.  

Seeing the patterns and perceptions as to why may be sabotaging yourself and your most abundant life, and inside this discovery guiding people to cause immediate and life altering miracles within the areas of life they most struggle with, and may never have recovered from.”

Author of “Death the Door Music the Key. A Girl, A Harp at the Bedside of the Dying,” and respected pioneer of the cutting-edge work of Therapeutic Music and Sacred Ceremonial Harp work in Australia, Angela has mastered the art of creating sacred space.

Clinical Therapeutic Harpist specializing in Palliative Care, Neuro Linguistic Kinesiologist, Diploma of Neuro Training Kinesiology, Advanced Training Resolve Beyond Neurology Kinesiology, Diploma of Biochemical Facial Analysis, Certificate in Iridology. Angela received her Bachelor’s Degree in Music, and fourth year honors specializing in Ethnomusicology at Western Sydney University. Head Lecturer and course creator of Ethnomusicology for the Excelsior University Sydney, delivering profound results for over 5 years.

Alchemist of the body, mind, spirit axis, connector to the ancestors and lineages, Angela shares and connects you to the gift of endless synchronicity, hope, awe and magic that provides a powerful experience of mystical proportions.

Posts by Angela

Unleash Your Potential and Achieve Your Destiny with Kinesiology

Angela Sciberras

The Kineziologist

Kinesiology – Its benefits, validity, and effectiveness

Angela Sciberras

The Kineziologist

Kinesiology and the Nervous System Connection

Angela Sciberras

The Kineziologist

Kinesiology: The Fascinating Study of Muscle Testing and Body Function

Angela Sciberras

The Kineziologist