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Living in Alignment with the Rhythms of your Menstrual Cycle


May 20, 2024
| 7:00pm
– 8:15pm AEDT

Feel empowered with the knowledge of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

This webinar is for the person wanting to feel more connected to their body, intuition and monthly flow. We will be going deep into the different phases of the menstrual cycle, to understand the different physiological events that occur on a cellular level and how this can show up in our daily lives from emotions, sensations and energy level changes.

You will be guided to understand how we can optimise different herbs, food and lifestyle support to create an optimal and easeful transition between phases of the menstrual cycle.

We will also touch on the history of menstruation and how distanced we have become from this connection with our wombs. Anyone and everyone is welcome, you do not have to have a regular or present menstrual cycle to attend.

Zoe Rosa

Hosted by

Zoe Rosa
Zoe Rosa Wellness
Zoe Rosa is a Clinical Naturopath from Australia, with an online clinic that offers consults worldwide. Zoe has a passion for educating women on their menstrual cycles and empowering people to take their health into their own hands through the power of nutrition, herbal medicine and lifestyle changes.

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Zoe Rosa