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Lemon Delicious Protein Balls

Brought to you by Dr Juanita Jolly
from Balance Complementary Medicine


1 1/2 cups raw macadamias

1/2 cup raw cashews

1 cup desiccated coconut – plus extra

1 teaspoon vanilla extract/essence

Zest of one lemon

6 drops pure lemon essential oil

10 soft fresh medjool dates (stones removed)


  1. Pop the macadamias, cashews and coconut into a food processor and blitz until it looks like fine crumbs.
  2. Add the vanilla, zest and essential oil and pulse until combined well.
  3. With the motor running, add the dates one at a time until the mixture comes together like dough.
  4. Roll the mix into small bite-size balls and refrigerate (it helps if your hands are slightly wet, so keep a bowl of cold water nearby to dip your hands in).
  5. Roll in some extra coconut if desired and these will keep for about 10 days in the fridge – no guarantee they won’t be eaten before then though!

About the Author

Juanita Jolly

Dr Juanita Jolly

Balance Complementary Medicine

Juanita is the principal practitioner and clinical director.  A highly qualified doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a Naturopath, Juanita has undertaken extensive studies in both Naturopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture.  Juanita has completed further post-graduate studies in Japanese acupuncture, TCM obstetrics, fertility support, cosmetic acupuncture, cellular health testing and specialised comprehensive health status screening.

Special interests:  Complex health conditions, hormonal health, fertility (men and women), IVF support, children’s health, digestive issues/allergies, and cosmetic acupuncture.