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Ayurvedic Autumn Semolina Porridge

Brought to you by Stacey Roy
from Blossom Wellbeing

As we transition into the autumn season, it’s important to adjust our diets to help balance the effects of the cooler weather and dry air on our bodies. This Ayurvedic autumn recipe for semolina porridge is an easy breakfast or snack that can help balance Vata dosha during this time of year.

The warming and grounding spices used in this recipe help to bring stability to the body, while the nourishing ghee and milk provide healthy fats that support digestion and overall wellbeing. To make this recipe, start by roasting semolina in ghee until lightly golden. Then, add either dairy or plant-based milk and a blend of aromatic spices to create a delicious porridge. You can also add chopped nuts and dried fruit for extra flavour and texture.

This autumnal semolina porridge is easy to digest and can be enjoyed as a breakfast or snack. It’s a perfect way to start the day on a wholesome note, and it can help balance Vata dosha during the cooler and drier autumn season. This recipe serves 1, but can easily be doubled multiple times to create the required number of servings.

Serves 1
Prep Time 5 mins
Cook Time 10 mins


1 Tbsp Ghee
1/4 Cup Semolina
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Milk – Dairy or Non-Dairy
1/4 Tsp Cardamom Powder
1/4 Tsp Cinnamon Powder
1/4 Tsp Ginger Powder
1/4 Tsp Nutmeg Powder
1 Tbsp Chopped Almonds
1 Tbsp Chopped Dates
1 Tbsp Honey


1. Heat ghee in a pan over medium heat.
2. Add semolina and toast until lightly golden, stirring frequently to avoid burning.
3. Add water and milk, stirring continuously to prevent lumps from forming.
4. Add chopped almonds, dates, and spices. Mix well.
5. Cook on low heat, stirring occasionally, until the porridge thickens to a desired consistency.
6. If you like your porridge sweeter, add honey before serving. Ayurveda recommends against
cooking honey, so it should be added after cooking is complete.
7. Enjoy mindfully for enhanced satisfaction and digestion.

About the Author

Stacey Roy (she/her) is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Ayurvedic practitioner, and yoga teacher based in Adelaide, SA. She is passionate about integrative health care that takes into account all aspects of a person’s wellbeing – mind, body, spirit, and community. Together with her clients, she draws on the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine and the practice of yoga to address individual health concerns and goals. She has special interests in mental health, neurodiversity, chronic pain and other chronic health conditions, as well as women’s health.