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Yoga for Menopause – A Yoga class & short discussion

May 25, 2022
| 9:00am
– 10:00am AEDT

Join Mardi Brisbane from The Pause Effect for this webinar to empower the transition to menopause. Mardi Brisbane, a local naturopath & yoga teacher has been empowering Brisbane women through natural connection and conscious living for the past decade.

Yoga for Menopause – A Yoga class & short discussion

This session includes a combination of yoga movement and breath-work designed for menopausal women (caters for beginners and intermediate levels).

Plus a short q&a session at the end of the class.

Although there is a charge for the event, a credit will be given for future service with Mardi over the next 3 months (details provided in this webinar).

Hosted by

Mardi Brisbane
Mardi The Natural Healer
Mardi Brisbane is a naturopath & yoga teacher who combines her skills (see below) to provide a most comprehensive approach to menopause. Mardi's workshops support women transitioning to menopause by addressing physical, mental and spiritual elements using nutrition, herbal medicine, movement, breath-work, meditation and energetic healing.

Connect with 

Mardi Brisbane
