The secret to happiness and a long life – online short course
This course comes from David Corby, the founder of the College of Complementary Medicine and author of Finding Joy Within. It focusses on how we all have an internal battle between our thinking and emotional/intuitive self that is driven by the very different processes happening in the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This battle between the ‘head’ and ‘heart’ drives our level of stress and ultimately decides our level of joy and longevity.
It’s a very thought-provoking day that has you challenge the balance between head and heart in your life. It provides practical tools to move towards joy.
Hosted by
David Corby
College of Complementary Medicine (CCM)
David Corby-CEO & founder of CCM. Senior Lecturer Integrative Complementary Medicine, Holistic Kinesiology and Mind Body Medicine.
David is also a published author of books and numerous accredited courses. David is a registered Acupuncturist, a mind body practitioner, kinesiologist & a world renowned lecturer who teaches in Australia and overseas.
Connect with
David Corby