The Feel Good Diet
Did you know that adopting a diet rich in certain foods can spark joy and happiness in your mind and body? The Feel Good Diet takes you beyond just feeling healthy. It’s an easy, natural diet approach that boosts your mood and cognition, giving you that heightened state of living that so many of us crave. And it comes with a host of bonus benefits like increased stress resilience, weight loss, better sleep, enhanced learning and focus, and more.
In this webinar, naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist Sulin Sze give you the whats, whys and hows of eating to feel good and what the science tells us about neurochemistry and wellness. Evidence shows that certain foods can help you build your dopamine, serotonin, melatonin and other important neurochemistry that is essential for healthy cognition, mood and behaviour.
Photography by: Andrea Piacquadio
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