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How Hormones Rule Our Life

May 22, 2024
| 12:30pm
– 1:15pm AEDT

From Sleep disturbances to the Stress Response… HORMONES aren’t just about puberty and the reproductive cycle, they control almost all aspects of our day-to-day lives.
For the price of a cup of coffee find out the reason our bodies react the way they do and gain an understanding of how you can help support your health through diet, supplements, natural medicines and lifestyle to encourage the right hormones to be produced at the right time.

Mardi Brisbane Practitioner

Hosted by

Mardi Brisbane
The Natural Healer
Mardi has been practicing naturopathy and other natural health modalities since 2005. In 2018 she started corporate programs to educate professionals to help their bodies calm down the stress response. She also gives tips on how to implement lifestyle hacks, as well as the right food & supplements to take. She sees clients online and in person.

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Mardi Brisbane
