5 Foods to Fight Pain and Inflammation
Please note this webinar is WA time 5.30pm and 7.30pm Sydney (AEST).
Is Pain stopping you from enjoying life
Is Pain making you depressed and irritable?
Pain is a normal part of inflammation which is the body’s response to injury – It alerts us that we are injured.
Pain is the number one reason why people seek medical attention
Pain that persists after an injury has healed is both debilitating and depressing and may cause other issues such as disturbed sleep
Pain may be acute – short lived and subsides when injury heals or
Pain may be chronic – lasts or recurs for more than 3 months and may continue after an injury has healed.
9.9 million days are taken off work each year by Australians due to chronic pain
One in 5 Australians experience chronic pain –
33% due to injury (often sports) and 29% to a health issue the remaining have no clear cause.
45% suffer chronic back pain
Come along and find out how you can use food to reduce your pain
This event is free and open to everyone and is being run as part of Natural Medicine Week
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