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Must have tips to handle STRESS

By Jenetta Haim
from Stressfree Management

What is stress?

Stress is ever increasing in our society made up of outer stressors or inner stress that pushes our buttons. Reflection of whether it’s physical, emotional or mental stress helps us gain control, which is worthwhile to stop the devastation that it can cause in our lives. Stress is not a modern phenomenon however. It has existed since humanity began, from the time we were fearing the wrath of the Gods in the thunder, to today’s deadlines, domestic issues and simply bad news.

Defining stress

So what are stressors and what do we really mean by stress? There are marked differences between worry, anxiety, fear and stress. Worry is a repetitive thought pattern about something that has triggered you. Anxiety however is a constant background fear of the cause of which may not even be known. A sense that something bad may happen. Anxiety has more physical symptoms than worry. Fear is a specific response of wanting to escape something perceived harmful. Stress however is more a response in the present moment. Too much pressure becomes overwhelm because something is simply, too much or too difficult. Constant stress can take over every area of our lives. Often stress is a word used in place of all of the above. Take a moment now to reflect on what you feel the most. Is it worry, fear, stress or constant anxiety?

How stress affects us

Stress affects us on all levels from the emotional rush to meet that deadline, to working longer hours, skipping meals, lack of sleep, less social life, less fun. Often it produces increased heartbeat, a grumpy expression, lack of concentration and clarity leading to a cycle of even more stress.

Symptoms can include headaches, upset stomach, fatigue, dry throat, grinding teeth during sleep, muscle aches, breathlessness, inability to sleep, feeling down, trouble concentrating, withdrawing socially, overeating and even drug and alcohol abuse. Long term stress will affect your immunity, digestion, blood pressure and heart. Also your assertiveness, confidence, communication and attitudes, so it is important for you to take steps to overcome it.

How to handle it

The aim is to eliminate stress, not just handle it. What! Is that even possible? Yes, but it takes work. You must be awake to yourself and the world around you. Awake to how YOU respond to your inner and outer world. That’s not always an easy job because often we are different to how we would like to be, and how we imagine ourselves to be. So it becomes an ongoing practice to eliminate this enemy. Think of it this way, if you were in a battle, you would surround your enemy to win. Here stress is an enemy and you need to hit it on all sides with your diligence.

Stop, breathe and read

When that feeling of overwhelm first comes simply STOP. Take a deep, slow breath and relax. Relax that clenched jaw and move your face around. If you grind your teeth while sleeping get a bite splint from the dentist. Spend 10 minutes reading a hard copy book before bed. A real book, not more screen time. Go offline at least an hour before bed. Perhaps after dinner play some calming music for time out.

Pay attention to your food and supplements

When we are rushed we skip meals and often grab unhealthy, kilojoule laden food. Have fresh fruit on hand to curb hunger. Balance your vegetables, meats, dairy and grains. Plan this before your busy week. Cook larger dinners and take left overs for lunch. Have lots of water to hydrate yourself and eat healthy snacks. Eat breakfast to get you going and make sure you take the correct vitamins for energy and immunity. Don’t just pick a supplement from the shelves. Consult with your accredited nutritionist or naturopath what’s right for YOU. Follow their expertise. Generally they will recommend supplements you are missing such as extra Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Magnolia, Camomile or even St Johns Wort. It is important to have the right vitamins and minerals daily to remain healthy. If you are not eating properly then you need to take your supplements as they will assist you to have a healthy gut. An unhealthy gut, diarrhoea, constipation and digestive disorders will increase your stress levels and make your life even harder.

Slow down, meditation and mindfulness

It’s important to deliberately slow down. Be more mindful in your movements, thoughts and feelings. Meditation and mindfulness will teach you how to let go of those repetitive thoughts that worry you by teaching you to not focus on them. It will calm you to stop, reflect and not overreact as quickly. It will regulate your breath and thinking bringing fresh inspiration and intuition. It will make you more aware how to alter your perspective and overcome your fears. Why not give it a try?

The importance of exercise, sleep and a chill out

Meditation will teach you to organise your time better and bring balance into your personal life. Add some exercise three times a week as a minimum. A lunchtime walk, a morning run or cycle to work. Exercise will release feel good endorphins, strengthen the heart, lower your blood pressure and release pent up frustration.

All of the above will help you sleep better and relax. It’s important to have them as part of your daily routine. You can do it! Just book an appointment with yourself at the gym, the hairdressers, the yoga studio, a meal with a friend on Thursdays, a movie with hubby on Saturday while the kids are at tennis, or a quiet read before bed of a favourite book.

Where to get this

So whilst stress looks hard to handle its not if you work these tips into your daily or weekly routine. It takes 6 weeks to form a habit. Start forming good habits now. Put a program in your mind every time you get triggered. The program says ‘Stop! Do……….instead’. You fill in the blank with the opposite of what you know you could do which will serve you better. Get started today. You are not in this alone. Many practitioners Australia wide and my clinic are at your fingertips to help. Call on us for support and soon you will be chilling out with a drink on a beach, having met that deadline early with a smile on your face and NO STRESS. 😊

More about the author

Jenetta Haim
– Stressfree Management

Jenetta Haim is accredited in many modalities beginning her journey at age 17 through the inspiration of her mother’s interests in Louise Hay. Over the years Jenetta studied many religions and cultures which brought her to attain a Master’s Degree specialising in ways to handle stress in Western Society using Eastern Philosophies.

As a member of ATMS Jenetta Haim runs a full holistic clinic in Greystanes having attained her Diploma in Nutrition in 1981. Since then Jenetta has serviced the community both nationally and internationally face to face at her clinic, public lectures and courses and via the internet.

Jenetta specialises in diagnosis and application of sound methods to assist her clients to heal from core causes. Her many areas of speciality take into account everything from gut issues to pain management to conquering your fears and phobias. Jenetta’s passion and interest is YOU as a client and to assist YOU to be the best that you can be on every level – energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. She believes all people have the capability to tap into their passion and use it to bring joy, peace and wellbeing into their lives – it’s just a matter of having the right toolkit.

Jenetta runs her clinic amidst many other interests involving tutoring of children, social activities and working with her community to assist people to pursue their freedom and truth.