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The Differences Between Bowen Therapy & Massage

By Elizabeth Pillora
from Natural Tranquility

As a Bowen Therapy Practitioner, few people know about or understand what Bowen Therapy is. Although, it is starting to become more known, there needs to be  a lot more education and awareness (both to other health practitioners and the public) before it becomes well known like remedial massage, acupuncture, and other health care modalities.

When I’m asked what I do for work, if I answer with ”I am a remedial massage therapist” the conversation keeps flowing. However, if I say “I’m a Bowen Therapist,” I will 90% of the time get a response, “what is that?”

Whilst Bowen Therapy and Massage have similarities such as promoting relaxation, reducing stress, muscular tension/ stiffness / pain, reducing headaches, improving mobility and circulation they also have some key differences.


Bowen Therapy

  • Bowen Therapy (Bowtech Bowen) sessions comprise of a series of gentle movements over soft tissue – muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. Between each set of move, the practitioner pauses for a couple of minutes for the client’s body to respond (this is when a client may feel sensations e.g. warmth, coolness, tingling however, it is very individual). Once the body has responded, the next moves are done.
  • Bowen Therapy addresses the entire body, rather than focusing on a single complaint.
  • It is very gentle, subtle and calming, making it a great treatment for all ages including babies and elderly. It requires minimal pressure and minimal intervention with no vigorous manipulation.
  • Bowen Therapy assists with emotional issues such as anxiety, hormonal issues such as menopause and digestive issues such as constipation, plus more.
  • No oil is used in a Bowen Therapy session, and light clothing may be worn.
  • Treatment lasts between 45-60 mins
  • There are very few contraindications with Bowen Therapy



  • Massage is a very hands on treatment.
  • There are different styles of massage
  • Depending on a clients presentation, the massage will focus on a single complaint or address the entire body with a full body massage.
  • The pressure is suited to the client
  • Oils are used in treatment.
  • A client can choose the length of treatment.


Both Bowen Therapy and Massage are fantastic treatments and can play a vital role in your physical and mental wellbeing.

More about the author

Elizabeth Pillora
– Natural Tranquility

Elizabeth is a Bowen Therapist, Pregnancy & Post Natal Massage Therapist, Remedial Massage Therapist and Aromatherapist. Elizabeth has a clinic in North Ryde. Elizabeth has been a Natural Therapist since 2006 and has a passion for women’s health and wellness. Her treatments are holistically in nature to bring balance back into your life physically, mentally and emotionally.