Managing Migraine Naturally
Are you tired of migraine ruining your life? The pain, the brain fog, the nausea, the need to switch off from the world to hide in a dark room? Are you frustrated that migraines mean you are not able to be fully present for your family, your work and your friends?
Migraine is one of the most common neurological disorders found in women, affecting approximately 15% of Australian women.
This webinar will outline ways you can use reduce the frequency and severity of migraines through lifestyle change and natural treatment approaches.
Topics will include:
• The key symptoms of migraine
• Why do some people get migraine, and others don’t
• Movement and exercise for migraine
• How to hydrate properly to prevent migraine
• Consider your possible unique drivers for migraine
• Proven natural medicines for migraine
• The importance of nutrition in preventing migraine

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