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Key Strategies for Optimizing Sleep & next day Mental Performance

May 23, 2022
| 7:30pm
– 8:30pm AEDT

Tanya works closely with individuals with big lives that need energy, brain power, strategic thinking, calmness under pressure and simply need to get things done. I am sure this sounds familiar to many of you.

Sleep is massive as it impacts all areas of our life in her opinion! There is a reason sleep deprivation has been used as torture in war times – quite simply, it works! And there is a reason lack of sleep is now considered the “new carcinogen”. The more science understands about the power of sleep for health & wellbeing and the destruction to the body that lack of sleep brings, the more important a good night sleep has become. Sometimes, a bad night of sleep is unavoidable due to young children, menopause, sleep apnoea but in many cases, a bad night of sleep IS avoidable and this is where Tanya will share valuable support.

Healthy strategies to create energy the next day & avoid the circuit of no sleep – no daytime energy – no sleep are an important part of this webinar.

Tanya Edwards

Hosted by

Tanya Edwards
Performance in Health
Tanya Edwards is a degree qualified Naturopath & Founder of Performance in Health Wellbeing Clinic, which was awarded the Clinic of the Year for the national ATMS Natural Medicine Awards in 2021. Her commitment to a holistic health model has been instrumental in the success of her clinic which also offers support from mental health specialists.

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Tanya Edwards
